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Equine Dentistry Case Study - Crumpet


equine dental case study

We hold regular yard dental days, which give our clients the opportunity to have their horses’ teeth checked by one of our experienced and highly qualified vets. This blog tells the story of Crumpet, one of our patients who recently required some tooth extractions.


A Bad Smell Gives Cause for Concern

Equine dental problems can be complex and are not always obvious. Horses, ponies and donkeys are often very good at hiding dental problems, even if they are in pain. However, one telltale sign that something is wrong is a foul smell coming from the horse’s mouth.

Crumpet is a much-loved member of a superb family, who joined our yard dental day carried out by our equine dental vet Laura. It became quickly evident from the smell coming from Crumpet’s mouth that all was not well. He had two very unhappy incisors, one of which had fractured. Not only that but he had a cheek tooth loose in its socket as well.

Laura immediately set to work and gave Crumpet some sedation and pain relief and a nerve block was carried out to numb the area. All three teeth were removed, including the tricky removal of the fractured incisor.

 equine dentistry case study

The Role of a Diligent Owner

In many cases, horses require a certain amount of aftercare to help them recover from extractions and other dental procedures. Crumpet’s case was no different, and his owner’s diligence and dedication to his post-extraction care was key to his recovery.

Crumpet’s owner was assigned the task of cleaning his dental sockets every day and as you can see from the photos, his gum is healing beautifully.

Thanks to our vet Laura and Crumpet’s owner, Crumpet is back to his old self. Crucially, he is much happier without those damaged teeth in his mouth. He copes fine with grazing and still tucks into his dinner with the same gusto as ever!

equine dentistry case study


Equine Dentistry at Avonvale Equine Vet Practice

Regular dental checkups are important for horses, ponies and donkeys of all ages, disciplines and workloads. Our experienced and highly qualified equine dental vets are able to carry out routine checkups and dentistry, as well as advanced procedures and extractions. If you have any concerns about equine dentistry, please call us on 01295 670501 and speak to one of our experienced vets. You can also register your horse, pony, donkey or mule with us today.


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